Mid-term review meeting took place at the facilities of UAB, at Sala de Juntes, Faculty of Science, UAB Campus, on 15/11/2022. The event was organized as a series of presentations, starting through a general presentation of the project to provide the basis of the meeting. Afterwards, each WP Leader highlighted the most relevant achievements, WP development status, achieved deliverables and milestones, risks, mitigations and future developments which are briefly described below.

Through the presentation, the existing problem, the approach, the involved partnership including keywords descriptors, research, and transdisciplinary aims, together with expected results, involved transfer of knowledge, expected impacts and scheduled activities were presented and the initial outputs for each WP were briefly introduced. The actual status of secondments accomplishment was thoroughly discussed determining the main causes of delay for certain partners and the proposed mitigations to correct some of the perceived deviations.