UNIPI visit to Centre of Excellence FoodHub/UDG

At the University of Donja Gorica, Dr. Monica Macaluso (UNIPI) held a meeting with the director of the Center of Excellence (FoodHub), Prof. Aleksandra Martinovic, deputy director and director of the Laboratory for Food Quality and Safety Giuseppe Paderni, MSc, and...

Meeting between UNIPI and UDG

H2020 MSCA TRACEWINDU project – Researchers from University of Pisa (UNIPI), Department of Agricultural, Food and Agro-Environmental Sciences, visited with the University of Donja Gorica (UDG), both partners on the TRACEWINDU. During their first visit, UDG researchers...

Visit to Plantaže Company (UNIPI, UDG, PLA)

Dr. Monica Macaluso (UNIPI), together with researchers from UDG, visited the Plantaže., i.e. its production plant. During this visit, Dr. Macaluso was introduced to the entire technological process of wine production in Plantaže. Dr. Macaluso was also introduced to...

Workshop in the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro (UDG)

In the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro as part of the Digitalization Day, in cooperation with the Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies, University of Donja Gorica, a presentation of the project VIRAL – Revitalization of the relevance of information and...