Based on the joint efforts during the first secondments, researchers from UDG and DNET presented a scientific paper on Blockchain and data provenance in wine walue chain at the 26th IEEE Conference on Information Technology IT 2022. The paper was titled...
Mr Nemanja Misic (ESR) from DNET Labs implemented his secondment at University of Donja Gorica (UDG) in Montenegro during the time period from 28.02.2022. to 27.03.2022. During his stay at UDG, Mr. Misic worked with UDG researchers on the activities relevant to WP4 of...
The visit was important to exchange status of WP1 and WP3 activities of the project. The staff of the Universite de Pau et des Pays de l’Ador visited the facilities of the Fundacio Parc Tecnologic del Vi and, assisted by the coordinator of the project, exchanged...
During the month of April 2022 dr. Nicola Tucci was at UAB to implement the activities of the project TRACEWINDU. The visit was an opportunity to analyse the status of the communication and dissemination activities of the project and, in particular, to understand how...
The UAB (Autonomous University of Barcelona) received on May 16 the institutional visit of the delegation of the National Institute of Industrial Technology of Argentina (INTI), a reference center of the Latin American country in the fields of technology, industry and...
About a year ago, the TRACEWINDU ship set sail during its Kick off meeting.It is time to look back, now that we have our website and social media available, to remember the consortium meeting we held in hybrid mode during the last throes of the pandemic. During this...